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研究方向:植物功能基因组学 、水平基因转移


美国东卡罗莱纳大学(East Carolina University)生物系教授(Professor)。主要从事植物功能基因组学,水平基因转移等方面的研究,先后主持和共同主持美国心脏协会,美国国家自然科学基金,中国国家自然科学基金多项。2012年至今作为主要海外成员参与中国科学院和国家外国专家局“北半球植物生物地理学与雷火体育适应性演化机制研究”创新团队国际雷火体育合作伙伴计划。2013年10月-至今,中科院昆明植物研究所生物多样性和生物地理重点实验室客座荣誉研究员。现担任Journal of Systematics and Evolution编辑,Frontiers in Plant Sciences, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology编委。



代表论著 (*为通讯作者)

1、Ma, J., S. Wang, X. Zhu, G. Sun, G. Chang, P. Liang, X. Hu, S. Zhang, Y. Zhou, C.-P. Song*, andJ. Huang*. 2022. Major episodes of horizontal gene transfer drove the evolution of land plants.Molecular Plant15:857-871.

2、Wang, Q., S. M. Smith*, andJ. Huang*. 2022. Origin of strigolactone and karrikin signaling in plants.Trends in Plant Science27:450-459.

3、Chen, R., H. Fang, Y. Xu, P. Li, C. Xu*,J. Huang*, and Z. Yang*. 2021. Adaptive innovation of green plants by horizontal gene transfer.Biotechnology Advances46:107671.

4、Cao, Y., G. Sun, X. Zhai, P. Xu, L. Ma ...J. Huang*, and G. Fan*. 2021. Genomic insights into the fast growth of paulownias and the formation of Paulownia witches' broom.Molecular Plant14:1668-1682

5、Sun, G., S. Bai, Y. Guan, S. Wang, ... H. Sun*, S. Rensing*, andJ. Huang*. 2020. Are fungi-derived genomic regions related to antagonism toward fungi?New Phytologist228:1169-1175.

6、Wang, S., Y. Guan, Q. Wang, J. Zhao, G. Sun, X. Hu, Mark P. Running, H. Sun* andJ. Huang*. 2020. A mycorrhizae-like gene regulates stem cell and gametophore development in mosses.Nature Communications11:2030.

7、Zhang, T., Q. Qiao, P. Y. Novikova, Q. Wang, ... M. van Montagu*,J. Huang*, Y. V. de Peer*, L. Qiong*. 2019. The genome of Crucihimalaya himalaica, a close relative of Arabidopsis, shows ecological adaptation to high altitude.PNAS116:7137-7146.

8、Guan, Y., L. Liu, J. Zhao, Q. Wang, P. Li, J. Hu, Z. Yang, M. P. Running, H. Sun andJ. Huang*. 2018. Gene refashioning through innovative shift of reading frames in mosses.Nature Communications9:1555.

9、Soucy, S.,J. Huang, and J. P. Gogarten. 2015. Horizontal gene transfer: building the web of life.Nature Reviews Genetics16:472-483.

10、Stiller, J. W., J. Schreiber, J. Yue, H. Guo, Q. Ding, andJ. Huang. 2014. The evolution of photosynthesis in chromist algae through serial endosymbiosis.Nature Communications5:5764.

11、Huang, J*. 2013. Horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotes: the weak-link model.Bioessays35:868-875.

12、Yue, J., X. Hu, H. Sun, Y. Yang, andJ. Huang*. 2012. Widespread impact of horizontal gene transfer on plant colonization of land.Nature Communications3:1152.

13、Sun, G., Z. Yang, A. Iswar, andJ. Huang*. 2010. Algal genes in the closest relatives of animals.Molecular Biology and Evolution27:2879-2889.

14、Huang, J*. and J. P. Gogarten. 2008. Concerted gene recruitment in early plant evolution,Genome Biology9:R109.

15、Huang, J*. and J. P. Gogarten. 2007. Did an ancient chlamydial endosymbiosis facilitate the establishment of primary plastids?Genome Biology8:R99.

16、Huang, J*. and J. P. Gogarten. 2006. Ancient horizontal gene transfer can benefit phylogenetic reconstruction.Trends in Genetics22:361-366.

17、Huang, J*., Y. Xu, and J. P. Gogarten. 2005. The presence of a haloarchaeal type tyrosyltRNA synthetase marks the opisthokonts as monophyletic.Molecular Biology and Evolution22:2142-2146.

18、Huang, J., N. Mullapudi, C. A. Lancto, M. et al. 2004. Phylogenomic evidence supports past endosymbiosis, intracellular and horizontal gene transfer in Cryptosporidium parvum.Genome Biology5:R88.

19、Huang, J., N. Mullapudi, T. Sicheritz-Ponten, and J. C. Kissinger. 2004. A first glimpse into the pattern and scale of gene transfer in the Apicomplexa.International Journal for Parasitology34:265-274.

20、Huang, J*. and R. A. Price. 2003. Estimation of the age of extant Ephedra using chloroplast rbcL sequence data.Molecular Biology and Evolution20:435-440.

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