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姓名: 禹坷

出生日期: 1987/12/2

国籍: 中国

邮箱: keyu01@126.com




2013.11-2019.2:博士(国家留学基金委资助),环境生物学,Utrecht University荷兰,导师为荷兰皇家科学院院士Corné M.J. Pieterse教授,主要研究拟南芥免疫/抗逆反应与根际微生物组的相互作用



先前的研究表明根际微生物组能够帮助植物抵抗生物和非生物胁迫,而植物与益生菌从识别到抗性信号的产生和传递的分子机制还不清楚。特定的益生菌在与植物根部互作的初期能够显著抑制先天免疫反应,而益生菌定殖到植物根部后,在诱导植物产生抗性的同时也会诱导根部的铁胁迫反应。通过多组学手段研究发现拟南芥根际的益生菌能够在与植物互作的过程中通过代谢产物gluconic acid来抑制根部的先天免疫反应;而拟南芥根系在铁胁迫(益生菌诱导或者环境诱导)作用下会合成和分泌coumarin来促进植物的铁吸收,同时coumarin也会显著改变根际微生物组的构成。现在的研究集中于植物免疫相关的代谢产物与根际微生物组的相互作用,以及如何通过调节微生物组结构来提高植物的抗逆性。


1.Yu, K., Liu, Y, Tichelaar, R., Savant, N., Lagendijk, E., Van Kuijk, S.J.L., Stringlis, I.A., Van Dijken, A.J.H., Haney, C.H., Pieterse, C.M.J., Bakker, P.A.H.M., Berendsen, R.L. Rhizosphere-associatedPseudomonassuppress local root immune responses by gluconic acid-mediated lowering of environmental pH. 2019Current Biology, 29: 3913-3920. (F1000Prime Recommendation by Ben Lugtenburg, http://f1000.com/prime/736836696)

2.Yu, K., Pieterse, C.M.J., Bakker, P.A.H.M., Berendsen, R.L. Beneficial microbes going underground of root immunity. 2019.Plant Cell & Environment, 42: 2860-2870. (Invited review, Special Issue: 40th Anniversary Special Issue)

3.Fernández, I., Cosme, M., Stringlis, I.A.,Yu, K., De Jonge, R., Van Wees, S.C.M., Pozo, M.J., Pieterse, C.M.J. and Van der Heiijden, M.G.A. Molecular dialogue between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the non-host plantArabidopsisthalianaswitches from initial detection to antagonism. 2019.New Phytologist223: 867-881.

4.Stringlis, I.A.*,Yu, K.*, Feussner, K.*, De Jonge, R., Van Bentum, S., Van Verk, M.C., Berendsen, R.L., Bakker, P.A.H.M., Feussner, I., and Pieterse, C.M.J. MYB72-dependent coumarin exudation shapes root microbiome assembly to promote plant health. 2018.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA115: 5213-5222. (PNAS Commentary by Lundberg & Teixeira, http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1805944115)

5.Berendsen, R.L.*, Vismans, G.*,Yu, K., Song, Y., De Jonge, R., Burgman, W.P., Burmølle, M., Herschend, J., Bakker, P.A.H.M., and Pieterse, C.M.J. Disease-induced assemblage of a plant-beneficial bacterial consortium. 2018.ISME Journal12: 1496–1507. (Editors' Choice: The best of The ISME Journal 2018)


本科: Renda Bosma (2015), Floris Jespers (2016)

硕士:Wilco Burgman (2014-2015, with Dr. Roeland Berendsen), Pablo Carril Vaglini (2015), Niharika Savant (2015-2016), Ramon Tichelaar (2016-2017), Pim Goossens (2016-2017, with Dr. Ronnie de Jonge), Sanne van Kuijk (2017, with Dr. Roeland Berendsen)

课程: Plant adaption and defense (2015 & 2016)


2015.6海报,Evasion and suppression of root immunity by beneficial microbes,Rhizosphere 4 conference,荷兰

2016.7海报,Exploring the mechanisms of immunosuppression by the plant-beneficial rhizobacteriumPseudomonas capeferrumWCS358,IS-MPMI XVII Congress,美国

2017.8海报,Iron deficiency-induced root exudates modulate root microbiome assemblage, 5th International Conference on Biotic Plant Interactions,中国

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