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2004年获郑州轻工业学院获生物工程本科学位,2007年获河南大学生命科学学院细胞生物学硕士学位。2015年获河南大学植物学博士。2011-2014年在清华大学结构生物学重点实验室开展雷火体育合作研究。2017-2020年在美国华盛顿大学西雅图分校郑宁实验室做访问学者(2019-2020年为访学助理教授)。2020年受聘河南大学“杰出人才特区支持计划”特聘教授。近年来,主持和参与国家自然基金面上项目及科技部重大专项子项目等多项课题,在Nature,Nature communication, JCB, Cell research等权威刊物上发表多篇研究论文。


Zhou, Y., T. Zhang, X. Wang, W. Wu, J. Xing, Z. Li, X. Qiao, C. Zhang, X. Wang, G.Wang, W.Li, S. Bai, Z. Li, Y. Suo, J. Wang, Y. Niu, J. Zhang, C. Lan, Z. Hu, B. Li, X. Zhang, W. Wang, D. W. Galbraith, Y. Chen, S. Guo and C. P. Song (2023). "A maize epimerase modulates cell wall synthesis and glycosylation during stomatal morphogenesis."Nat Commun. 14(1): 4384.

Wu, C., W. Zhen, X. Wang, Y. Li,W. Wangand Z. Hu (2023). "Absence of SICKLE triggers programed cell death by disturbing alternative splicing and decay of mRNAs."Plant Physiol. 192(3): 2523-2536.

Qin, G., M. Qu, B. Jia,W. Wang, Z. Luo, C. P. Song, W. A. Tao and P. Wang (2023). "FAT-switch-based quantitative S-nitrosoproteomics reveals a key role of GSNOR1 in regulating ER functions."Nat Commun.14(1): 3268.

Gao, M., Zhao, X.,Wang, W.*, Zou, X.*, and Song, C*. (2023). Preparation of fluorescently and biologically active chain-like chitosan nanocomposite and its use in separating MBP-tagged proteins and as fluorescent tracer of tobacco.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical381, 133371.

Yu, K., Yang, W., Zhao, B., Wang, L., Zhang, P., Ouyang, Y., Chang, Y., Chen, G., Zhang, J., Wang, S., Wang, X., Wang, P.,Wang, W., Roberts, J. A., Jiang, K., Mur, L. A. J., Zhang, X.. (2022).The Kelch-F-box protein SMALL AND GLOSSY LEAVES 1 (SAGL1) negatively influences salicylic acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana by promoting the turn-over of transcription factor SYSTEMIC ACQUIRED RESISTANCE DEFICIENT 1 (SARD1). The New phytologist 235, 885-897.

Leydon A.R.,Wang W., Gala H.P., Gilmour S., Juarez-Solis S., Zahler M.L., Zemke J.E., Zheng N., Nemhauser J.L.. (2021).Repression by theArabidopsisTOPLESS corepressor requires association with the core mediator complex.Elife.10:e66739. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66739.

Sun, Y., Liang, W., Cheng, H., Wang, H., Lv, D.,Wang, W., Liang, M., and Miao, C. (2021). NADPH Oxidase-derived ROS promote mitochondrial alkalization under salt stress inArabidopsisroot cells.Plant Signaling & Behavior16, 1856546.

Wang, W.*, Withers, J.*, Li, H.*, Zwack, P.J., Rusnac, D.-V., Shi, H., Liu, L., Yan, S., Hinds, T.R., Guttman, M., et al.(2020). Structural basis of salicylic acid perception byArabidopsisNPR proteins.Nature586, 311-316.

Sun L*, Xu Y*, Bai S, Bai X, Zhu H, Dong H,Wang W, Zhu X, Hao F, Song CP. (2019). Transcriptome-wide analysis of pseudouridylation of mRNA and non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis.J Exp Bot.Jun 6. pii: erz273. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz273.

Liu H*, Guo S*, Lu M, Zhang Y, Li J,Wang W, Wang P, Zhang J, Hu Z, Li L, Si L, Zhang J, Qi Q, Jiang X, Botella JR, Wang H, Song CP. (2019). Biosynthesis of DHGA12 and its roles inArabidopsisseedling establishment.Nat Commun.Apr 16;10(1):1768. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09467-5.

Wang, X., Zhu, P., Qu, S., Zhao, J., Singh, P.K., andWang, W.*(2017). Ectodomain of plasmodesmata-localized protein 5 inArabidopsis: expression, purification, crystallization and crystallographic analysis.Acta Crystallographica Section F73, 532-535.

Sun, Y., Lv, D.,Wang, W., Xu, W., Wang, L., Miao, C., and Lin, H.-H. (2015). Lipoxygenase 2 functions in exogenous nitric oxide-induced stomatal closure inArabidopsis thaliana.Functional Plant Biology,42, 1019-1025.

Yan, L.*, Sun, S.*,Wang, W., Shi, J., Hu, X., Wang, S., Su, D., Rao, Z., Hu, J., and Lou, Z. (2015). Structures of the yeast dynamin-like GTPase Sey1p provide insight into homotypic ER fusion.J Cell Biol210, 961-972.

Ming, Z.*,Wang, W.*, Xie, Y., Ding, P., Chen, Y., Jin, D., Sun, Y., Xia, B., Yan, L., and Lou, Z. (2014). Crystal structure of the novel di-nucleotide cyclase fromVibrio cholerae(DncV) responsible for synthesizing a hybrid cyclic GMP-AMP.Cell research24, 1270-1273.

Wang, W.*, Ma, Y.*, Suo, Y., Yan, L., Zhang, D., and Miao, C. (2014). Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of defective pollen wall (DPW) protein fromOryza sativa.Acta crystallographica Section F70, 758-760.

Lv, D.,Wang, W., and Miao, C. (2013). ATHK1 acts downstream of hydrogen peroxide to mediate ABA signaling through regulation of calcium channel activity inArabidopsisguard cells.Chin Sci Bull58, 336-343.

Li, K.*, Yang, Q.*,Wang, W., Zhao, X., and Lou, Z. (2013). GPX3 fromArabidopsis thaliana: cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis.Acta Crystallographica Section F69, 1224-1226.

Bai, L., Zhang, G., Zhou, Y., Zhang, Z.,Wang, W., Du, Y., Wu, Z., and Song, C.P. (2009). Plasma membrane-associated proline-rich extensin-like receptor kinase 4, a novel regulator of Ca signalling, is required for abscisic acid responses inArabidopsis thaliana.The Plant Journal60, 314-327.

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